Business NameDescriptionWebsiteSocials
4 Dog Night CreationsChristmas-y Yukon themed craft items, other Yukon-themed craft items and FB
Accessories For YouBracelets, necklaces, earrings, cards
AkassiyahArt and stationeryakassiyah.comFB IG
Alaena WarnerCards, prints and stickers of original painting, hand made christmas decorations
Alexie MerkWe are a mother/daughter team and are new to the 12 days of Christmas! We've created Christmas stockings made of 100% recycled materials (100% wool exterior and fabric interior). We've also made matching Christmas ornaments made of 100% recycled wool.
AmyKnyLeather and brass, and enamelled silver, and copper jewelleryIG
Annie's Cheesecakes & Luscious LathersCheesecakes; soaps, bath bombs and bath saltsFB
Anto YukonSoap, oils, balms, bath soakantoyukon.comFB IG
Arctic Rose CraftingHomemade candles, soaps, bookmarks and earrings
Artwork by Erinn KomschliesI create realistic acrylic landscape paintings featuring local scenery. I sell prints, cards, handpainted ornaments, magnets, and stickers with my art on them. FB IG
AV ArtMacramé and watercolor painting
Beans And LouLouJams/Jellies and hard candy
Bebo in Stiches Crochet stuffies
Bearded WoodsmithCutting boards, coasters, earrings, wood toys, games, laser cut items, engraved glasses FB IG
Berry BountifulHomemade antipasto and boozy jellies
Bob SharpSurvival Firelighter
Boreal StitcherySewn items for the home, personal care, travel and everyday life
Branching OutFunctional ceramic piecesbranchingoutceramics.caIG
Brother Moe’s Mocs and MittsMoccasins and Mitts
Carlie BeadsHand made hammered silver, copper, bead and charm jewelry FB IG
Carrie ArissHand knit toques and accessories IG
Cass CollinsI will sell a variety of products that are all created from my original artwork (mainly watercolour paintings or acrylic paintings) - products include fine art cards, pinback buttons, magnets, pendants, stickers and original works.FB IG
Cecilia TwiggeFun with paper origami earings and book folding
Charlie Fidler Designsline drawingsIG
Charlotte Heffelfinger ArtArt Prints and Cardscharlotteheffelfinger.comIG
Circle D RanchJams, relishes, haskap products of all kindscircledranchyukon.caFB IG
Civil Twilight LeatherHandmade leather goods.
Colray Acres & Blinged OutColray acres- Locally grown pork, chicken and lamb, preserves, eggs and dog treats. blinged out- glitter coffee wine tumblers dog bowls water bottles
Copper CaribouWe create Indigenous jewellery and artwork made with beadwork, hometan caribou and moosehide (tanned by us), caribou and moose antler. Traditional artforms mixed with a modern and contemporary flair. We also make an assortment of bush craft tools made with materials from the land. coppercaribou.comFB IG
Corvus CrochetHand cranked socks, crochet items IG
Crafted Elegance
I am a Métis born & raised in northern Ontario and got my sewing skills from my grandmother. I make earrings, moccasins, moose hide mitts, dream catchers.

Crêperie La Petite MaisonPreserved food products, prepared sealed crepes, cakes and gift basketspetite-maison.caFB IG
Crocus BotanicalsCrocus Botanicals creates toxic free refillable skincare and self care products using ethically sourced ingredients and some locally harvested ingredients. Products include balms, lotions, deodorant, lip balm, bath salts, clay masks, cologne, salves, and even products for our furry friends.crocusbotanicals.caFB IG
Daat Indian CuisineIndian foodIG
Danielle Payne BeadworkBeaded EarringsFB IG
Dorota SiminskaI sell products with my personal illustrations, I make posters, Christmas postcards, and prints on t-shirts, shopping bags, and socks. My illustrations are mostly colorful compositions with people and elements of nature, for the Christmas market, I would also prepare Christmas topics.dorotasiminska.myportfolio.comIG
Esther Bordet PaintingGraphic novel: a 2-part graphic novel (Makalu) which was released in 2024. The second part will be released in time for the Christmas season. I am both the artist and author for this story. Other books: A comic zine featuring short comics and cartoons. Original artworks and prints: a selection of high-quality colour prints, as well as a few original ink and watercolour paintings Cards and stickers Other items such as a calendar are in IG
Eva HollandBooks written by a Yukon authorIG
Firebean Coffee RoastersCoffee firebeancoffee.caIG
FoodNinjaCooked food at food truckFB
Foxx and FawnnPaintings, tumbler cups, bags, ornaments, earrings FB
Fritz Mueller VisualsYukon photo book
Georgianna CraftSewn goods made from cotton and linen fabrics, including tote bags, aprons, belts, hankies, tea towels, napkins, children's pants and dresses and more.georgiannacraft.comFB IG
Gold EssenceBody Butters, Body Scrubs, Face Scrubs, Body Lotions, Body oils, Shower Steamers, Wax Melts, Face oils, Lip Therapy Balms, Lip Scrubs, Lotion bars, Doggy Bombs, Bath Salts, Bath Bombs, Soaps, oils and moreFB IG
Gold Leaf BeastsApparel, art carts, art prints rosemaryscanlon.comIG
Grande Naturals Dog TreatsDog Treats Hand made in YukonFB IG
Hannah TurcotteIndigenous handmade crafts including beadwork (earrings) and sewing (mitts) IG
Hinterland Flour MillYukon Grown, Milled, Mixed and Packaged Whole Grain, Flour, Cereal, Baking Mixeshinterlandflour.comFB IG
Holistic BuffaloWildcrafted Skin
Home Sweet Home BakingBaking and jamFB
Hooked on EweMy main products are: Mugs, tumblers, Shirts / Tshirts / Jean Jackets, magnets, keychains, and other home decor items with dye sublimation (color or black and white ink dyed into the product) Engraved tumblers, necklaces, keychains, coasters, wooden spoons, etc. IG
Hot Dog CoutureDog apparels including winter jackets, booties, treats, tote bags
Icy Watersfrozen arctic charr, smoked and in fillets. icywaters.comFB IG
Imperfect WoodcarvingAs a woodcarver residing in Whitehorse, I am channeling my passion for woodcraft into unique pieces sourced from the Yukon's rugged landscapes — driftwood, downed trees, and reclaimed wood. Each creation undergoes a transformative process, blending careful consideration and artistic flair while I am breathing new life into each piece of wood.
Inspired by the Yukon's beauty, every handmade carving is a fusion of artistic expression and reverence for the materials. By choosing one of my handmade creations, you not only acquire a work of art but also embrace a slice of the Yukon's untamed spirit and the dedication that goes into carving its essence.
Indulge From Sue's PantryBaking
Jaclyn KillinsPottery IG
Janice BrodieHandwoven and/or hand dyed items
JJ DesignsCNC Metal artFB
Johanne FaulknerHandwoven items
John Firth4 book titlesjohnfirth.caFB
Josee CarbonneauBeanie, buff, pouches with my own design
Joyce MajiskiArtwork and up cycled artist- embellished clothing and artworkjoycemajiski.caFB
Just Because YukonQuilted placemats, runners, hangings, Crocheted/knit hats, scarves, cowl, and slippers, Kitchen towels and microwave bowl holders. Also an assortment of Yukon Tartan products made by myself. FB
Kamp Yukon HandmadeHandmade sewn items: Bags, pouches, kitchen items, accessories. kampyukon.comFB IG
Kelly Silverfox CreationsBeaded handmade jewelry FB
Klondike Kettle Cornpopcornklondikekettlecorn.comFB IG
Koko's Bakin'Baked goods and beverages (tea and coffee): cookies, cheesecakes, muffins, squares, etc.kokosbakin.caFB IG
Ksak DesignsHardwood pizza peelsIG
KTDE's Northern Art EmporiumDigital & Traditional Art Pieces and Prints, Some retail merchandise like stickers, mugs, t shirts etc. Cosplay props like masks and helmets etc. northernartemporium.comFB IG
Kusina LocalBaked goods and pre cooked meals FB
Laberge Lumber Co.items from salvaged woods, bird houses etc.FB
Landed BakehouseBread & Pastrylandedbakehouse.comFB IG
Lara Melnikpolymer clay art and jewellerylaramelnik.comFB IG
LC Yukon CeramicsHandmade ceramics lcyukon.comIG
Lil’ Miss CreampuffEveryone’s favourite classic creampuffs
Little Flower FarmsI have started a number of herbs and garden starts to sell. I have house plants as well as some produce as summer progresses. I also have crafts.
Log Otters + Bush BearsHand-made laser-engraved wood earringslogottersandbushbears.comFB IG
Long MigrationHandmade cold-process soapFB IG
Loxy The MakerJewelry and accessoriesloxythemaker.comFB IG
Luna and AuroraWinter hoods for babies to adults, Children Accessories and soy candles
lunaandaurora.comFB IG
Made By Megpottery
Maeva Esteva Art & Wild Foodwatercolors painting, art, dried wild
Malanka TopperCards, prints, original paintings, iced coffeeIG
Marta Afonso Burnay JewelryJewelry handmade with metal and semi precious stones IG
Martyna MakielaJewlery
Matechuk1111I design and print all in my home studio. Hand cut and printed Aurora earrings, Colour changing mugs printed with Yukon Aurora photos, Aurora printed magnets, some hand cut, Placemats/mousepads printed with full colour aurora photos, Wind spinners with Yukon scenes and Northern lights, Northern luggage tags, Change purses, Yukon Aurora fishing lures, Aurora printed cutting boards, Christmas cookies ,Chocolate candy.FB
Melissa Collins CreativeArtwork (paintings), prints, ornamentsIG
MicMack Granola BarsGranola barsIG
Millie Marie DesignsCurate elegant silk scarves & tea towels with my artworkFB IG
Moka MokaHandmade fanny packs and other small sewing projectsIG
Morgen SmithCeramics
Mountain MuttDog collars and leashesmountainmutt.caFB IG
MuditaOrganic Christmas baked goods and
Nature Spirit SoapsHome made skincare products made with traditional medicines, handmade fashions, mittens, earrings & moccasins FB IG
Nomadic HarvestsNatural bodycare products + sauerkraut and pickles + potentially some jewellery made by FCMS member Shiela Alexandrovichnomadicharvests.comFB IN
Northern Birch and BeadsYukon harvested birchbark, beaded into hide to make unique jewelry, mostly earrings, IG
Northern ManuscriptsYukon books: memoirs and adventure travel elisabethweigand.comFB
Northern Oils & Products / One Stop Pierogi ShopInfused Oils, Balsamic Reduction, GF/Vegan Worcestershire Sauce, Flavoured Simple Syrups, PierogisFB FB
NorwildLeather, fur and outdoors
Nunatak DesignsLaser cut ornaments FB
Pam CharmanJams, Jellies, various seasonal candy, crochet teddy bears
Pats HatsKnitted hats, sweaters and throws
Philomene CeramicsHandmade potteryIG
Pretty Neat YukonI make Loca Roca (Almond butter crunch candy) macarons, and chocolates like chocolate covered coffee beans. I also repurpose items and turn them into Teacup Bird Feeders, Vehicle refuse bins from dog food bags, bottle openers and jewelry organizers made from caribou antler sheds among other creations. I also make family games out of wood like Frustration Rummy, and Yukon specific games like 'Dustball, the Boardgame' and my original game creation 'Race to the Klondike'. FB IG
Ptarmigan PotteryPottery
Raices DesignRaices is a project born in Argentina expressing different artistic and craft ideas where the combination of energy stones and techniques learned in different countries come together. Soon began a journey across the continent from Buenos Aires to the Yukon. New inspirations were born blown by a northern wind and the quest for warmth. From this resulted a collection of artistic jewelry made of healing stones, metals, macrame and beautiful wooden cover's notebooks.FB IN
Rebecca RothgebHand knitted hats scarves and other accessories, as well as handmade socks and sock tube/kits knitted on my antique WW1-era Autoknitter, which is a hand-cranked machine that only makes socks, and was used to produce warm wool socks for soldiers in WW1 and WW2.FB
Renovation JewelryEarrings made of beads, fur and recycled copper wireFB IG
Ribbon BoxHandmade accessories, jewelry ribbonbox.caIG
Robert Postma PhotographyPhotography relatedrobertpostma.photoshelter.comFB IG
Rogue Fox DesignsHand beaded lanyards, wristlets, brooches and earrings
Ruadhan ArtsJewellery made from real, handpicked and dried (by myself) Yukon flowers, leaves and mushrooms on sterling silver findings. Each piece is a perfectly preserved piece of Yukon nature. I do not press them, or put them in frames. They are as close to exactly how they were in the moment that I picked them as possible. Little pieces of The Yukon immortalised.FB IN
RXYT Candle CompanyI am making Dessert Candles currently I have 6 Variations and in Process and testing Phase for more scents. rxytcandlecompany.caIG
Sage North SeedsYukon grown seedsFB
Shaks ChocolateChocolate!shakschocolate.comFB IG
Simply SignificantsBeadworksimplysignificants.comFB IN
Solstice CeramicsCeramics - mugs, bowls, planters, decorations, etc
South Farm ArtisansSewn items such as purses, tote bags, handbags, wallets, cosmetic bags, zipped pouches. All made using high quality fabrics and materials including cotton, cotton canvas, vegan leather, waxed canvas. IG
Sportees ActivewearSportees hand made clothing and accessories - mainly fleece and active type garments made by Andrea Rodger. sportees.comFB IN
Spots on Potshand made functional pottery
Sprucetip DesignIllustrated home wares and paper goodssprucetipdesign.comIG
Stained Glass by EpsStained glass art using art glass, copper, lead, possibly zinc came.FB IG
Sunshine and Wild and stickerssunshineandwild.comFB IG
Swheatbaked goodsFB IN
Tāchǭ WoodworksWood Hand Made ProductsFB IG
Takhini River Ranch - Yukon Pigs and RigsSmokies, beef Jerky and meat and fruit pies localfarm.onlineFB
Tamara Carter Handmadecrochet and macrame goodsFB IG
Teagan BeemerArt cards, IN
Tedd TuckerIllustrated cards, Children's books, Prints, Pennants, and Illustrated apparel. berwin.caIG
The Flower ShackCut flowers and bouquets IG
The ClaimChocolateFB IG
The Garden WitchYukon grown flowers used to create pressed flower art and botanically dyed garmentsFB IN
The Old BagHome Canning of jams and jellies; hand painted Trivets; hand made quilted goods
The Twisted GourmetSeasonings, spices, side dishestwistedgourmet.caFB IG
The Yukon Soaps CompanyNatural soap and wellness products yukonsoaps.comFB IG
Tintina GlassworksFused glass art and functional pieces FB IG
Treats By DadTreats By Dad is as it's name says. My 70 year old dad makes delicious treats to make you happy and feel satisfied. He makes Cakes, Chocolate Barks, Mini Cake Donuts, Mini Cake Waffles, Chin Chin, Banana Bread and more
Tum Tum's Black Gilt MeatsYukon grown meat and value added meat products, Yukon made preservestumtumsmeats.yukonfood.comFB IG
Urban Fibre ArtsProducts include hand knit toques, scarves, bags, and soap sacks. As well as sewn pencil cases, pin cushions and much more to come.
Venture JewelleryI create silver, copper, and beaded jewellery from my home in Marsh Lake. I plan to sell rings, earrings, and necklaces at the market.venturejewellery.comFB IG
Virsa CraftsHenna, Pottery, massage candles, embroidery, fabric painting, handmade cards and glass painting.virsacrafts.caFB IG
Wellness In MindJewlery, macrame, hair accessories, apparel & gift itemswellnessinmindyukon.comFBIG
Whitehorse Aboriginal Women's Circlewe have multiple different Indigenous women use our table to sell their products on. Our women sell handmade indigenous products such as earrings, jewelry, hats, beadwork, moccasins, etc
Whitehorse Woof Natural Dog Treats & AccessoriesWe are selling our own homemade dog/cat treats & toys, bandanas, treats jars, tote bags and other accessories that we only created in the IG
Wild And NorthCandles FB IN
Willabee PotteryPottery ( coffee mugs, bowls, jars)IG
Wire PathwaysJeweleries made of silver, copper and pearls, inspired by local fauna and
YU.TH Tea HouseHerbal teas with wild yukon foraged ingredients (over 50% of products contain local foraged materials)FB
YukinhaHandmade jewelryyukina.comIG
Yukon Christmas CompanyHand painted ornaments and other original artwork YukonChistmasCompany.comFB IG
Yukon Garlic Co.Yukon grown garlic starters, scapes, bulbs and garlic salt.Yukongarlic.caFB IN
Yukon HikingYukon Hiking: A Little Guidance in a Wild Landscape (2nd Edition) - A hiking guidebook made by Yukoners, Meghan and Marko Marjanovic. Includes 97 hiking routes that they have hiked and documented personally over the past 16 years. Book has full colour photographs, hike directions and descriptions, and regional overview maps. Designed and Printed by Arctic Star Printing.Yukonhiking.caFB IG
Yukon JigsFishing jigs an lures
Yukon Plastics​Yukon Plastics infuses value into the Yukon’s plastic waste. We are excited by inspiring people to reimagine their relationship with these materials. We do this by creating useful, durable and beautiful products, which hold reminders of the variety of waste plastics contained within.yukonplastics.comFB IG
Yukon Rose CraftsI intend to sell handmade crocheted products such as hats, neckwarmers, neck cowls, headbands, tea towels, dishcloths, hair scrunchies, and home decor items.
Ziggy CardsGreeting cards drawn by meIG